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School district in a sentence

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Sentence count:78Posted:2017-03-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: districtschoolat schoolin schoolschoolbaggo to schoolpreschoolprep schoolMeaning: n. a district whose public schools are administered together. 
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31. In each city a project director oversees the program in coordination with the school district and an advisory board of local businesses.
32. Payment for religious holiday leaves is within the discretion of the local school district.
33. Cameron and the school district sit down with a neutral third person to negotiate an agreement that both sides find acceptable.
34. The majority of the Amphitheater School District governing board reeks with corruption, arrogance, conflicts of interest and blatant stonewalling.
35. The influx of fresh cash did enable Richmond Unified to become a model urban school district.
36. The school district found a replacement before school started but maintained that Walker was still required to pay damages.
37. In 1989, the Piscataway school district in New Jersey had to dismiss one high school business teacher because of budgetary constraints.
38. When the Texas attorney general wrote an informal opinion saying the records should be released, the school district sued Lett.
39. These programs differ from those that went before them in that they are largely located at the school district or regional level.
40. A wide range of issues determine how a neighborhood fares -- location, school district, income levels and even airport noise.
41. The lawsuit demands Arnold turn over the fees he earned in the transactions to the school district.
42. But there are also advantages to a school district following a standard math
43. Similarly, a New York court ruled that a school district could transfer a teacher who married her assistant principal.
44. However, tenured teachers do not have a right either to a particular position in a school district or to indefinite employment.
45. Layout adjustment, school district building to achieve substantive results.
46. These two schools are in the same school district.
47. North Shore School District 112 was fortunate to have other options and will maintain its traditionally low class sizes — which in 2009 averaged 19 in elementary grades and 21 in middle school.
48. Former first lady Mrs.Laura W.Bush announced the program at Stovall Middle School of the Aldine Independent School District in Houston.
49. As evidence, the school district presented a photograph taken from the webcam embedded in the laptop.
50. After years of court-ordered desegregation , the school district will appear before the U. S. Supreme Court next Monday, arguing that it should be allowed to use the same system voluntarily .
51. The air freight contain airport of Chiayi, the school district is located the channel next.
52. Mr. Henry is an executive director in the Anchorage School District in Alaska.
53. Absolute also insisted it was acting on behalf of its customer, the school district, and therefore was covered under "color of law" and "safe harbor" statutes.
54. A school district is a legally separate body corporate and politic.
55. Weaver is an athletic coach in the Spring Independent School District.
56. The latest school district to receive this help is in the state of Kentucky.
57. Afterwards, I continued on in the Lakota school district through my junior high school years.
58. The Jefferson School District has postponed the start of summer school.
59. I shall be a bird in a cage with a good school district.
60. The school already informed, next Monday will the new school district to attend class officially.
More similar words: districtschoolat schoolin schoolschoolbaggo to schoolpreschoolprep schoolhigh schoolafter schoolprivate schoolnursery schoolprimary schoolboarding schoolsecondary schoolstrictstrictlyrestrictconstrictstricturerestrictionrestrictivebe strict withboa constrictordistributedistributeddistributordistributiondistributarystricken
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